
Camps for Children and for the Family

The brainchild of Paul Newman, the Hole in the Wall Camps are designed to be a magical, transforming and fun camp for children with serious illnesses.  Through educational, therapeutic, safe, and just plain fun summer camp and year-round programs, they are designed to inspire children to reach beyond their conditions through safe adventures.  The camp is free for the families.  It can provide a life-changing experience to children whose daily struggles often diminish both their desire to be well and their ability to lead a rich, productive life.

Hole in the Wall camps are located in several centers in the US and around the world: Association for Hole in the Wall Camps.



Global Initiatives 

Camps as part of the Global Partnership Inititative are available in the following countries (for more details go to Global Partnership Initiatives): Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Uganda, Cambodia, Vietnam 

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Global Initiatives