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Camps for Children and for the Family
The brainchild of Paul Newman, the Hole in the Wall Camps are designed to be a magical, transforming and fun camp for children with serious illnesses. Through educational, therapeutic, safe, and just plain fun summer camp and year-round programs, they are designed to inspire children to reach beyond their conditions through safe adventures. The camp is free for the families. It can provide a life-changing experience to children whose daily struggles often diminish both their desire to be well and their ability to lead a rich, productive life.
Hole in the Wall camps are located in several centers in the US and around the world: Association for Hole in the Wall Camps.
California: The Painted Turtle
Connecticut: The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
Florida: Camp Boggy Creek
New York: Double H Ranch
North Carolina:
Camp Kaleidoscope (For children at Duke)
Colorado: Roundup River Ranch
France: L' Envol
Hungary: Bator Tabor
Israel: Jordan River Village
Ireland: Barretstown
Italy: Dynamo Camp
The United Kingdom: Over the Wall
Global Initiatives
Camps as part of the Global Partnership Inititative are available in the following countries (for more details go to Global Partnership Initiatives): Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Swaziland, Uganda, Cambodia, Vietnam
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