Research Program Strategy
Step 1: Collaboration with leading experts and connecting with families to identify relevant issues
We are creating a network of leading specialists around the globe to help us maintain a comprehensive view of the field and determine the research areas that hold the most promise for improving diagnosis and treatment of WAS. We are in constant contact with families to hear directly from them, their concerns and ideas. Creating this bridge between patient-physicians and researchers allows us to target our priorities. In August of 2010 we convened 14 leading physicians and researchers along with 30 families from around the world at the first ever WAS Family Conference. This meeting helped set the strategy and future direction.
Step 2: Targeting promising research
The Foundation's Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) reviews proposals from researchers around the world. The SAC then selects ideas that are most easily translatable to treatment, identify the institutions that can execute those ideas in the patient care setting. This will ultimately get us closer to our goal of delivering better treatments and, ultimately, a better cure for WAS.
Step 3: Accountability
The Foundation's scientific staff stay closely involved with the research teams to ensure accountability. Working interactively with the research team we have interim milestones to evaluate progress, help if problems arise and help set the direction for the next step.
Step 4: Moving Forward
When we learn of promising findings in the field, we will work to further develop these discoveries by identifying teams who can further the development.
Learn more about Application Process and Timeline.